KKL-JNF Activity During Operation Swords of Iron

Photograph: Chaim Goldberg, Flash 90
  • KKL-JNF Hosts 300 Supporters from Around the World in Israel for Solidarity Mission, Expanding Financial Aid for Reconstruction

    Tuesday, September 24, 2024 12:00 PM

    In an initiative by Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), 300 supporters and donors from 33 countries have arrived in Israel for a solidarity mission. This distinguished delegation, which includes KKL presidents, CEOs, and board members, are in Israel to reinforce support for its residents and authorities facing the ongoing war. Over the past year, these international supporters have demonstrated unwavering commitment to Israel, contributing extensively to aid for displaced residents, local authorities, and the restoration of forests damaged by enemy actions.

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  • In preparation for the events commemorating the anniversary of the massacre of October 7: KKL-JNF is allocating NIS 4 million to upgrade the Re'im camping park, the site of the Nova Music Festival

    Wednesday, September 11, 2024 11:00 AM

    On the anniversary of the October 7 massacre, the KKL-JNF Board of Directors under the leadership of KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski, approve the allocation of NIS 4 million for the upgrade of Re'im camping park, where the Nova Music Festival took place.

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  • A Historic Agreement Between KKL-JNF and Jewish National Fund-USA

    Thursday, August 29, 2024 11:00 AM

    NEW YORK: August 27, 2024 - Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund and Jewish National Fund-USA are proud to announce a historic agreement to embark on a joint venture dedicated to rebuilding the communities in Israel devastated by the horrific attacks of October 7 and the ensuing attacks.

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  • KKL-JNF Reaches Out to Farmers: Will Prepare 9400 Dunams of Farmland for Farmers in the South

    Monday, August 19, 2024 4:00 PM

    KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski: “We’re doing our best to put this region back on its feet”.

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  • Looking Northward: KKL-JNF reveals the Enormous Damage Caused to the Forests and Nature Sites in Northern Israel

    Monday, July 15, 2024 11:10 AM

    Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund conducted a special tour for journalists in the Biriya Forest, in which the enormous damage caused to the KKL-JNF forests by fires was revealed.

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  • Families of Fallen Druze Soldiers in the Iron Swords War Plant a Tree in Their Memory in the KKL-JNF Ahihud Forest

    Tuesday, July 02, 2024 5:00 PM

    "We sacrificed our most precious loved ones, who left behind grieving families. They deserve to be commemorated and remembered at every opportunity. The KKL-JNF dedication to their memory is deeply touching," said Imad Habka, father of Lieutenant Colonel Salman Habka from the village of Yanuh-Jat, who fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

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  • KKL-JNF is with the Envelope – Relocation of the Residential Buildings of Kfar Aza to Kibbutz Ruhama with an Investment of NIS 300 Million

    Tuesday, June 04, 2024 12:00 PM

    On Tuesday May 5, 2024, an agreement was signed in the offices of KKL-JNF to conduct works for the temporary relocation of evacuees from Kibbutz Kfar Azar to Kibbutz Ruhama. The project is in cooperation with the Ministry of Construction and Housing, the Ministry of Finance and the "Tkuma" Directorate.

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  • Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund Launches Scholarship Program for Displaced Negev Students

    Tuesday, May 21, 2024 11:40 AM

    KKL-JNF will award scholarships totaling over NIS 6,000,000 to approximately 1,600 students from communities near the Gaza Strip who study at academic institutions in the Negev. KKL-JNF Chief Scientist, Dr. Doron Merkel, stated, "We at KKL-JNF see this as our civic duty, and it is a great privilege to contribute to the process of revival."

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  • KKL-JNF Supports Alert Squads and the Security Needs of Towns Under Threat

    Tuesday, April 09, 2024 2:30 PM

    In addition to supporting boder towns at the western Negev and northern Israel, KKL-JNF will also provide support to alert squads and the security needs of towns in Judea and Samaria, and the city of Ashkelon.

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  • Ray of Light: Spring Camp for Children with Special Needs and Evacuated Children

    Date of publish: April 3, 2024
    KKL-JNF and KKL-German held a special and exciting spring camp in Eilat in collaboration with the "Happiness for the Child" foundation, which supports sick children and their families.
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  • Therapeutic Complexes for Children and Adolescents Will Be Established in the Gaza envelope, Funded by KKL Belgium

    Date of publish: March 12, 2024
    Today (Monday), a ceremony was held in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council to inaugurate the exciting project whereby three therapeutic complexes will be established in the kibbutzim of Dorot, Ruhama, and Bror Hayil, funded by KKL Belgium.
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  • KKL-JNF Hosted a Special Delegation at Kibbutz Beeri

    Date of publish: March 3, 2024
    On Thursday, February 29, KKL-JNF hosted a special delegation led by Professor Andor Grósz, the president of the Jewish Federation in Hungary, along with board members, with the participation of Kobi Davit, Hungary, and Central Europe President, KKL-JNF at Kibbutz Beeri. The kibbutz had tragically suffered in a Hamas terrorist attack on October 7.
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  • Growing New Life: The Nova Festival Victims' Families Planted Trees Where They Lost Their Loved Ones

    Date of publish: January 22, 2024
    In anticipation of the coming Tu BiShvat Holiday, KKL-JNF arranged a special planting day at the Re'im recreation area, with the victims' families that lost their loved ones in the Nova Festival massacre.
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  • "We Salute You": KKL-JNF Inaugurated the 'Heroines Road' at Ofakim Park, in a Ceremony Attended by 20 Leading Women who Saved Lives on October 7

    Date of publish: January 8, 2024
    The road, dedicated to the brave Israeli women who saved lives during the vicious attack, was inaugurated on Sunday, January 7.
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  • The Heroines Path

    Date of publish: January 8, 2024
    The Heroines Path at the entrance to Ofakim Park commemorates the heroism of Israeli women who acted in a cool-headed fashion and succeeded in saving the lives of dozens of people during the brutal attacks of October 7th.
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  • KKL-JNF Pays a Touching Tribute to Ofir Angel, who Returned from Captivity

    Date of publish: January 7, 2024
    Rebirth: Ofir Angel received the "Tree of Life" certificate after plating a tree in his name at the Ben Shemen forest. The certificate was given to him personally by KKL-JNF chair Ifat Ovadia-Luski.
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  • Bands Tour for the Soldiers in the Front

    Date of publish: December 12, 2023
    KKL-JNF provides support for the IDF soldiers and operates a truck that will distribute doughnuts and gifts for soldiers in hospitals and army bases, and for evacuated residents from southern and northern Israel.
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  • As Part of a Joint Initiative of KKL-JNF and the Israeli Embassy in Kiev, Leading Ukrainian Artists Took Part in a Special Support for Israel Event

    Date of publish: December 12, 2023
    The special event aimed at supporting Israel and its war against Hamas, as well as showing support for the Jewish community in Ukraine in light of the continuing war in the country.
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  • KKL-JNF Staff Members Planted 38 Trees in Honor of Every Child who Returned from Hamas Captivity

    Date of publish: December 12, 2023
    The initiative is rooted in KKL-JNF's tradition of planting trees in the honor of newly born children. Planting a tree for every child who returned from captivity symbolizes rebirth and future growth.
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  • A Path of Hope for the Kidnapped: KKL-JNF Paints the Forest in Yellow in a Special Installation

    Date of publish: December 3, 2023
    KKL-JNF created a special installation for the people kidnapped on October 7 at the Protzei HaDerech recreation area on Road 1 on the way to Jerusalem.
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  • For the Soldiers: Member of KKL-JNF "Youth at Risk" Program Gave Soldiers a Haircut

    Date of publish: November 30, 2023
    Since the beginning of the war, members of KKL-JNF's "Youth at Risk" program are busy volunteering all throughout Israel. They visit the wounded in hospitals, distribute food packages to soldiers, arrange recreational activities for evacuees, and more.
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  • When the Israeli Border Police Soldiers Met Evacuees with Special Needs

    Date of publish: November 30, 2023
    A collaboration of KKL-JNF with the Special Olympics Association led to an emotional meeting during the war.
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  • Initiated by the Israeli Embassy in Hungary and KKL-JNF Hungary: Special Exhibition at Central Budapest Calls for the Release of Israeli Hostages Held in Gaza

    Date of publish: November 28, 2023
    The exhibition was inaugurated at a special solidarity event held on Saturday, initiated by the Israeli Embassy in Budapest and Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), during which a candlelight vigil was held in memory of the Israeli victims of the Black Saturday on October 7, and during the ongoing war.
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  • For the Soldiers

    Date of publish: November 26, 2023
    KKL-JNF and the Association for Israel's Soldiers join forces and donate hundreds of KKL benches installed in the fighting zones.
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  • A Special Event for Children with Special Needs Evacuated from Southern Israel

    Date of publish: November 26, 2023
    On November 22, KKL-JNF, in collaboration with the Shalva Assosication held an event for children with special needs that were evacuated from Southern Israel and stay in hotels in Jerusalem.
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  • KKL-JNF and the Kinneret Innovation Center Support Schoolchildren from Evacuated Families

    Date of publish: November 21, 2023
    KKL-JNF joins the center in a special science, entrepreneursh.
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  • Resilience and Valor: KKL-JNF Youth Program Salutes Heroic Acts in Ofaqim

    Date of publish: November 15, 2023
    Youth from the KKL-JNF "Youth at Risk" program painted an emotionally painting, paying tribute to the bravery of Ofaqim residents during the Black Saturday attacks on Oct. 7th 2023
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  • KKL-JNF for the Evacuees: Tours and Recreational Activities

    Date of publish: November 15, 2023
    Thousands of families evacuated from southern and northern Israel will go on tours organized by KKL-JNF throughout the country, and will be provided a much needed break from the hardships caused by the Swords of Iron war. The families will visit nature, legacy and historical sites.
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  • KKL-JNF Reached an Agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Finance about a 1.4 Billion ILS Assistance for Support and Recovery

    Date of publish: November 14, 2023
    Due to the war, and in accordance with the needs that arose, the projects that KKL-JNF was supposed to support have been updated. 1.4 billion ILS will be provided for support and recovery instead of other purposes.
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  • KKL-JNF and Eshkolot Embrace the Residents of the Gaza Envelope, Northern and Southern Israel

    Date of publish: November 13, 2023
    Every day, since the beginning of the war, women who serve at the Eshkolot organization, in collaboration with KKL-JNF, provide guidance and arrange activities for children from evacuated families.
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  • Maintaining Educational Strength: KKL-JNF Instructors Come to the Aid of Children and Teenagers from Northern Israel

    Date of publish: November 7, 2023
    As the Swords of Iron War continues, the KKL-JNF educational staff joined an alternate studying solution established by the northern division of the Israeli Ministry of Education at Kibbutz Sha'ar HaGolan.
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  • Remembering the Victims of the October 7th Massacre in an International Ceremony Held in Jerusalem

    Date of publish: November 6, 2023
    Marking 30 days since the terrible massacre, the ceremony was held on Sunday at the National Institutions Compound in Jerusalem. The ceremony was attended by members of Jewish communities from dozens of different places throughout the world.
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  • KKL-JNF Workers Donated Over a Million ILS from Their Vacation Days to Purchase Food and Equipment for IDF Soldiers

    Date of publish: November 5, 2023
    With this donation, staff members of the KKL-JNF Workers' Union have sent thousands of food packages as well as logistic and tactical equipment to the IDF soldiers stationed in Southern and Northern Israel.
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  • A Delegation of Journalists and Web Influencers Came to Israel from France to See and Hear of the Deadly October 7th Attacks on Israeli Citizens

    Date of publish: October 31, 2023
    The journalists came to Israel on Sunday, as part of a special delegation of KKL-France headed by the Chamber President Dr. Robert Zvili and KKL-JNF's chief delegate to France Daniel Ben Lulu.
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  • Getting to Work: Mechinot Trainees Came to the Aid of Israeli Farmers

    Date of publish: October 31, 2023
    The trainees of the mechinot (pre-military service educational facilities), in collaboration with KKL-JNF, the Israeli Ministry National Missions and the Ministry of Defense came to the aid of Israeli famers, who found themselves with a shortage of workers following the deadly terror attack in the Gaza Envelope and the fighting that followed in Southern and Northern Israel.
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  • KKL-JNF Helps the Residents of the Gaza Envelope, and Holds a Wide Variety of Initiatives for People Evacuated from their Homes

    Date of publish: October 25, 2023
    KKL-JNF staff members, guides, women on Israel's national service, and high-school teens join forces in order to help the residents of the Gaza Envelope, the soldiers, and members of Israel's security forces. In a joint effort, the managed to hold activities for thousands of evacuated residents in a short time.
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  • For the Soldiers

    Date of publish: October 23, 2023
    Teenagers from KKL-JNF's "Plant Together" program, in a joint effort with Merchavim Association, distributed 30 thirty thousand meals to members of the Israeli security forces all throughout the country.
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  • During the War, KKL-JNF Holds Activities for People with Special Needs

    Date of publish: October 18, 2023
    KKL-JNF's Volunteering and Special Needs division initiates a series of activities in the apartments and nursing homes of people with special needs, who can't leave their houses due to the war.
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  • "Cities of Refuge" operation

    Date of publish: October 17, 2023
    KKL-JNF, JNF-UK, "Osim Shchuna" and other organizations are utilizing hundreds of shelters for the Northen communities of Israel at the cost of 4 million NIS
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  • KKL - JNF remains committed to supporting the defense of communities in the Gaza Envelope by increasing emergency aid for Emergency squads and fortifying communities' protection

    Date of publish: October 15, 2023
    Continuing to assist the south: KKL-JNF decided yesterday (Sunday) to increase emergency aid to communities surrounding Gaza by an additional 10 million shekels for the evacuation of more residents from the area, extending the stay of those who have already evacuated, and immediate support for security preparedness in the communities.
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