KKL-JNF Reaches Out to Farmers: Will Prepare 9400 Dunams of Farmland for Farmers in the South

KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski: “We’re doing our best to put this region back on its feet”.

Ever since the outbreak of the Swords of Iron War, the Gaza Envelope farmers have been facing a bleak future. In their October 7 onslaught, Hamas deliberately sabotaged farmland, poultry farms and dairy farms in a bid to bring Israel’s economy to a halt. Besides the extensive damage caused by the Hamas arson, the IDF closed off large swathes of land in the area and declared them closed military zones, depriving the farmers of access to their fields and greenhouses - and this situation is only getting worse.
The Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund is preparing new farmland in unused areas suitable for farming. These days works are underway to enlarge the arable areas for the sake of settlements in the Eshkol Regional Council and in the Merhavim Regional Council.
In Eshkol, work is underway on approximately 7355 Dunams, which have been released for the farmers in Kerem Shalom, Holit, Sufa, Yated, Sde Avraham, Yevul, Dekel, Talmei Yosef, Shlomit, Naveh and Avshalom.
The works include removal of underground rocks, clearing of stones, ploughing of the land and piling the stones along the field perimeters.
In Merhavim - KKL-JNF is clearing 400 Dunams for farming. These are intended for construction of greenhouses and farm roads to serve Shavei Darom, which is made up of Gush Katif evacuees. This is delicate, professional work being undertaken by heavy machinery.
The overriding goal is to complete the development of the farmlands as soon as possible, to enable the families to use the lands, to complete the reconstruction of the farms and to restore their means of livelihood. Preparation of these lands is good news and a source of hope for the Regional Council’s inhabitants, who are still beset by the shadow of the catastrophe they have endured.
KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski: “We are proud to take part in rehabilitation of the lands in the Gaza Envelope. We are investing tremendous efforts in revitalizing this important, fertile region to its pre-war state. Israel’s farmers, and in particular the Envelope farmers, are our present-day pioneers. They are a living embodiment of the very kernel of Zionism. Thanks to this work, we will be able to secure the resumption of work for the farmers, thereby helping the State of Israel - we are bringing to life Trumpeldor’s words - “the plough’s furrow marks the boundaries of the state”.

Gadi Yarkoni, Head of the Eshkol Regional Council: “As the largest predominantly farming Council that has paid the highest price, today we say, We are here and we are staying here. After many years of efforts on the part of the Council, thousands of Dunams of cleared firing range lands have been handed over from the IDF to the Council. Now, through the KKL-JNF, we have begun the process of repurposing them for farmlands and for development of blue-white agriculture, which is the region’s settlement anchor. This is extremely good news of symbolic value as well. It is especially encouraging during these days in that it strengthens and develops the settlement in Eshkol”.
Photos courtesy of KKL-JNF