During the War, KKL-JNF Holds Activities for People with Special Needs

KKL-JNF's Volunteering and Special Needs division initiates a series of activities in the apartments and nursing homes of people with special needs, who can't leave their houses due to the war.

Activities include the distribution of KKL-JNF sets and board games, discourse and listening circles, and attempts to inspire hope at a time of uncertainty.

All the activities are held with full consideration and sensitivity toward the participating residents.
The activities took place in apartments and nursing homes for people with special needs in Jerusalem and Kfar Saba, and will expand to other locations throughout Israel soon.

KKL-JNF Chair Ifat Ovadia-Luski: "During the war, KKL-JNF works throughout Israel to help people in need. Usually, people with special needs are given appropriate employment, but since the war broke out, they cannot leave protected areas. Our team that arrive in their apartments wish to provide calmness during emergency. KKL-JNF prepares to expand the activity to other locations throughout the country."

תמונה: באדיבות קק"לPhotograph: KKL-JNF