KKL-JNF's Cool Travel Tracks for the Hot Summer

Photograph: Ilan Schaham, KKL-JNF Photo Archive
With the hot season coming, KKL-JNF offers the public special tracks throughout Israel. From the green island rising in the western Negev, through the big, flowing stream, to the aqueducts path which is also an important historical site.

The Aqueducts Path, Emmaus Stream Path in Canada Park

The Ayalon-Canada Park is located at the Ayalon Valley, between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Inside the amazing park is the Aqueducts Path. It is a linear walking path, which goes down for a length of two kilometers. The path runs along the ancient aqueduct, with a few archeological spots along the way. The path goes between the orchard trees and down through ancient agricultural terraces, and it will take you through ancient caves, different aqueduct structures, ancient structures and plenty of photo opportunities.
The Aqueducts Path. Photograph: Neta Mizrahi, KKL-JNF

Ein Kobi at Begin Park

About 400 meters from the scenic lookout is Ein Kobi – a beautiful forest. One of the prettiest aqueduct streams in the Jerusalem Mountains flows from here. The water flow in a 12-meter underground aqueduct to a large pool, covered by an ancient stone structure. From the pool, water kept flowing in the 17-meter aqueduct to an external pool, and from the reservoir, water were channeled to the irrigated land sections.
KKL-JNF, in collaboration with the Israel Antiquities Authority, renovated the water system and opened it to the public, planted trees in the site and added a recreation and overnight camping area. Travelers can go down carefully to the pool using stone steps, or, for those feeling more adventurous, can use a secured steel ladder going into the spring, about 20 meters south of the pool.
Ein Kobi. Photograph: Yossi Zamir, KKL-JNF Photo Archive

Ein Bikura at the Sataf

Ein Bikura (Ein a-Sharkia) may be one of the most overflowing streams at the Jerusalem Mountains, but it is still considered relatively poor. An interesting finding discovered at the pool's side is clay links that created round spaces. It is speculated that these clay links were added during the roman period, used to breed more fishes that can be eaten.  
The water of Ein Bikura are collected in a large pool. A staircase near the pool goes down to the aqueduct behind it. The aqueduct is high, and can be traveled while standing. Travelers must carry flashlights, since the aqueduct is completely dark. Walking should be done carefully through natural wet steps.
Ein Bikura. Photograph: Bonnie Sheinman, KKL-JNF

The Streams Trail at Aminadav

The Aminadav Forest, stretching over roughly 1750 acres, is a forest planted by KKL-JNF. The needle trees mix with the natural grove trees in the site, creating a green belt that is the most significant open space in the area surrounding Jerusalem. The forest includes the unique monument, shaped like a cut tree, in the memory of American President Kennedy, the Arthur Rubinstein piano memorial, recreation areas, archeological sites and cycling tracks. Here we will expand on the Streams Trail, marked by KKL-JNF between the streams flowing on the southern slope of the Aminadav Mountain. It is fit for traveling families with children aged 10 and up.
Ein Tamar. Photograph: Bella Noodleman, KKL-JNF

Tzipori Stream Trail

Near one of the starting points, the landscape road, is another pretty forest road created by KKL-JNF. It is the Tzipori Stream Trail, next to HaSolelim. The trail is paved in the length of one kilometer and fits foot travel or bicycle riding. It leads deep into the forest and allows resting within green, calm surroundings. The trail is accessible for people with disabilities.
The trail starts at the Alon Tavor forest, and then passes through a needle tree forest. Along the way Travelers will see an ancient Roman road, ancient agricultural facilities, a cave and much more. Return can be done from the paved trail or from the white dirt road that surrounds the forest. The trip can also start at Shimshit. Not far from this place is Tzipori, the most important Galilee city during the time of The Second Temple and the Roman period. It is here that the Sanhedrin, headed by Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, moved. Archeological digs in Tzipori revealed many remains: a synagogue, a cemetery of the Tzipori scholars, the burial site of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, a theatre, Roman villas with pretty mosaic floors and an impressive water facility. The site is a national park, and visitors pay and entrance fee.  
Tzipori Stream. Photograph: Israel Peretz, KKL-JNF Photo Archive

Gamila Stream Pool at the Middle Besor Road

In the spot where the Gamila Stream channel pours into the Besor River, there is a large water pool surrounded by canes and tamarisk trees. Occasionally, fishing enthusiasts arrive here, hoping for catch. The Gamila Stream is a short channel, less than two kilometers long.
Near the Gamila Stream estuary is an artificial cistern carved in eolianite, with channel of the eolianite at its banks leading to it. This cistern was once completely filled with run-off water. The pool is not completely natural; in the past, wild pebble-picking made the bottom of the pool reach the ground water of the "Pebble Aquifer" of the Besor Stream, which in turn promises constant supply of water. The pumping facility on the right bank also gets its water from the same aquifer.
Besor Stream. Photograph: Bonnie Sheinman, KKL-JNF

Sharsheret-Grar Stream Park

The Sharsheret-Grar Stream Parkis a "green isle" – a forest rising from the loess soil plains of the western Negev. The forest was planted on both banks of the Grar Stream, one of the major creeks of the Besor River. This section of the stream holds water throughout most of the year, and is therefore an important natural asset for the animals in the area. KKL-JNF has marked landscape roads and cycling tracks, and created recreation areas with drinking water and accessible tables. North of the stream is the historical site of Tel Haror, which provides a nice view of the surroundings.
Sharsheret-Grar Stream Park. Photograph: Ilan Schaham, KKL-JNF Photo Archive