American Independence Park

Location: American Independence Park sprawls over 4,000 dunams on the southern slopes of the Jerusalem Mountains, which descend from the Bar Giora area to Beit Shemesh.
Description: KKL-JNF runs the Nes Harim information center in the park. The Bar BaHar cafe operates in the information center and there are restrooms and drinking water. There are information panels on the walls of the center and you can obtain the information leaflets produced by KKL-JNF about excursion routes in the area.
Directions: From Beit Shemesh (Route 3866, the Elah Valley (Route 376) or Jerusalem (Route 386).
There is a spectacular view from the summit of Mount Ye'ela of the western slopes of the Jerusalem Mountains towards the hills of the Judean plain, the Nahal Sorek basin and the coastal plain. KKL-JNF has erected a information signage explaining about Operation HaHar, during which the area was captured in Israel’s War of Independence. There are picnic tables near the observation tower.
Directions: Drive to the Stalactite Cave (Me’arat HaNetifim) from Beit Shemesh (Route 3866). Before the cave you will reach Challenger Junction. The road left leads to the Stalactite Cave; the road right leads to Nes Harim and Bar Giora. A short dirt road ascends directly ahead to Mount Ye'ela.
Photo: KKL-JNF Photo Archive
Photo: KKL-JNF Photo Archive