KKL-JNF Tourism Notifications

Wasp Infestations at the KKL-JNF Forests

KKL-JNF is aware of the growing wasp infestations in its forests and examines different environment-friendly solutions to the problem.

Pine Processionary Warning

Travelers at the Ben Shemen, western Negev, upper Galilee, and Golan forests should be aware of the presence of Pine Processionary, which can lead to skin and eye irritation. Travelers should avoid any contact with the Pine Processionary larva and its nests, which they leave during the spring to pupate. There is a chance of spotting them on the trees and on the ground, and their stinging hair can also be found in rotting nests made of white threads. KKL-JNF does its best to remove the threat, however, the larva exsits in every pine wood. Therefore, travelers should avoid areas suspected as infested with nest remains. 

Tourism Notifications - Northern Israel

Tourism Notifications - Central Israel

Tourism Notifications - Southern Israel