The ANZAC horsemen knew this area as Bir Asluj. The water-rich wells in the area made the spot strategically valuable. At the end of the 19th century the Ottoman regime erected a service centre here for the Bedouin of the area. Bir Asluj was also alongside the route of the railway the Turks built to the Sinai Peninsula, hoping to reach the Suez Canal. The railway reached Kuseima in the eastern Sinai but its construction was stopped in the summer of 1916, after the Turkish defeat at Romani.
Near the Mashabim Junction the ruins of a large Turkish rail bridge can be seen bent over the Revivim streambed. The ANZAC Mounted Division blew up the bridge on 23 May 1917.
Bir Asluj was one of the way stations for the ANZAC horsemen during the Great Outflanking. Though the Turkish forces destroyed the wells when they withdrew from the area before the attack on Beersheba, they were rebuilt by ANZAC engineers. Several of the mounted regiments camped at Bir Asluj the day before the attack on Beersheba. They marched from here through the night, arriving at dawn on 31 October 1917 at the positions from which launched the assault on the city.
The British well house in Golda Park serves as an information station on the ANZAC Trail, is at an advanced stage.
To get there: The entrance to Golda Park is from Route 222, between the Mashabim Junction and Kibbutz Revivim, two kilometers from the Mashabim Junction.