Juara Junction
Approximately three kilometers from the information booth, turn left (southward) to Juara. Before that, we recommend visiting HaShofet River and returning here only afterward. To that end, we will continue on the paved road.
HaShofet River

HaShofet River. Photos: Yoav Devir.
The road, which is well marked with signs, ascends to Mount Gahar and descends to HaShofet River. We cross the stream on the “Irish Bridge” which is suitable for all vehicles and proceed a short way to the Carob recreation area, where we recommend parking your car. Water flows in the streambed all year round. KKL-JNF has made the path wheelchair-accessible. Some sections of this wonderful path are paved with asphalt, while wooden boards provide the surface of others.
The trail is shaded by the trees usually found along riverbanks, such as the willow. A small waterfall and pool, which can be seen from a terrace lookout, are farther along the way. Several hoary elm trees grow here. The trail ends at Ein Hashrat (Ein Ami), a lovely spring that flows from a tunnel into a square pool hewn from white stone. From here, visitors may return to the Carob recreation area on a convenient dirt path.
Walking time is approximately a half hour for those who walk quickly and up to an hour and a half for those who wish to linger. A detailed KKL-JNF information sheet is available for hikers in HaShofet River.
Returning to Juara Junction
After the hike to HaShofet River, we return to Juara Junction and turn southward. The park road now passes between a planted forest on the left and a cultivated field on the right. As we ascend the hill, we see the views of HaShofet River and the Carmel. Afterward, in the open area, the route takes advantage of the old “soling” road. This road, which was paved with stones during the British Mandate period and connects Yokneam with Juara, is suitable for all types of vehicles. Just drive slowly and enjoy the view.
The Mishmar HaEmek Road
This soling road ends at the road that descends to Mishmar HaEmek (Route 6953). Stop and check the traffic carefully. When the coast is clear, drive onto the highway and go a little to the left. After several meters, the park road branches off to the right, but before continuing there, we suggest driving approximately another hundred meters along the slope of the road and going up the hill to the right. This is Juara.
Juara (The Haganah Museum)
The museum is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday through Thursday, and on Fridays until 2:00 PM. It is closed on Saturday. Tours are given by a local guide. Groups are requested to call in advance. Tel.: 04-959-7402.
Although Juara now serves as a base for the Gadna youth battalions, it is best remembered for the army company commanders’ course that took place here. Juara produced commanders of the Haganah and the fledgling IDF. This is the place where Moshe Bar-Tikvah (Mundak Pasternak) produced the symbol of the sword with the olive branch that became the company commander’s pin, and to this day, it is awarded to those who complete the IDF officers’ course.
Proceed to the gate of the camp, park the car in the parking lot in front of the gate and tell the guard that you would like to visit the museum. Directly in front of you is the large stone building that KKL-JNF purchased in 1936. The first inhabitants of Ein HaShofet, who established a tower-and-stockade-style settlement, lived in this building for approximately a year.
This small, charming museum preserves Juara’s original character and tells its story. At the entrance, visitors stand in the military formation demanded of the course participants. A stand-in for the course commander presents the program using modern technology. The presentation on the top floor depicts daily life in Juara and the phases of the training program.
At the end of the visit to Juara, we will return to the scenic road and continue south.
On the Way to Kibbutzim Junction
The park trail continues southward from the Mishmar HaEmek highway. The trail passes through a small boulevard of cypress trees. Keep an eye out for the remnants of an olive press on the left side of the road. These remnants serve as a memorial to Shlomo Kortz and his grandson, members of Ein HaShofet, who perished during an archeological excavation of an ancient burial cave nearby.
The road descends straight into the Mishmar HaEmek Forest. Before reaching the forest, notice the “French Bridge,” which rises above the small channel on the way to the forest. “French Bridge” is a nickname for the passage built underground. It is made of two rows of large boulders with smaller stones between them (called “baklash” in the local jargon). A cover is placed tightly over it, which allows water to trickle under the “bridge” and keeps the road from being washed out by rain.
Once the road meets the Mishmar HaEmek Forest, it turns southward (to the right) and passes fairly close to Ein Shulamit, a spring whose waters flowed at one time into a concrete pool. Today, the water is pumped to Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek. After approximately four kilometers, we reach Kibbutzim Junction, which is marked by several cypresses that grow inside a “plaza.” The park road continues right inside, but we will turn left here in order to visit the ruins of Beit Rosh and the Kibbutzim Forest.
The Ruins of Beit Rosh and the Kibbutzim Forest
After approximately 200 meters, the road goes up to the ruins of Beit Rosh. Park on the roadside and climb to the top of the hill on one of the paths that lead from the road to the summit. The lookout point is marvelous. All you need to do is walk along the path that circles the summit.
The path, which is 360 meters long, provides a 360-degree view. From here we can see the Jezreel Valley, Mount Tabor, the mountains of Nazareth and Givat HaMorah – and, on a clear winter day, snow on Mount Hermon. On the other side, we can see the Carmel, Haifa Bay, the smokestacks of the power plant in Hadera and several communities in the Sharon region. Simply spectacular. The archaeological ruins here indicate settlement from the Roman period.
Return by car and continue on the road that circles the hill. Afterwards, descend to the road and continue northward through the lovely vistas of the Kibbutzim Forest until you see wooden structures that belong to the Scouts movement. This is a shomriya – a place where summer camps of the Hashomer Hatza’ir youth movement were once held. Near here, in the carob tree orchard recreation area there is a lovely view facing northward.
Return to Kibbutzim Junction and continue southward along the scenic road towards Taninim River. It is passable by any vehicle except during the rainy season, when it is passable only in a 4X4.
Ein Kfar
The road descends to the upper tributaries of Taninim River and climbs to the summit of the hill, which looks out over a small valley that contains two springs and the ruins of a village. Among the ruins are hedges of sabra cactus and orchard trees. These are the ruins of Ein Kufrin. In order to preserve the tranquility of the place, go down on foot. The large spring serves the cattle of Kibbutz Ein HaShofet.
The Cyclamen Forest
Return to the car and continue on the scenic road. The road passes the area that separates between Taninim River and Saflul River and leads to the Kibbutz Galed highway (Route 672) near the Cyclamen Forest. In winter, between December and March, the forested hill is covered with thousands of cyclamen blossoms. During this season, we recommend parking the car in the large parking area, crossing the road on foot and hiking up the hill.
Taninim River
After crossing the Kibbutz Galed highway, the scenic road continues westward, parallel to the southern bank of Taninim River, which is very shallow here. Approximately 500 meters away from the road, the trail turns sharply southward. During rainy winters, it is a good idea to stop here for a moment and look northward toward the “waterfall” that flows into Taninim River. This water comes from Raz River, which flows into Taninim River.
The park road continues westward. Gall oak trees grow along the sides of the trail, and as time passes they are slowly attaining impressive dimensions. Approximately five kilometers away from the Kibbutz Galed highway, the park road reaches the “National Water Carrier Road,” so called because it runs alongside the National Water Carrier, which is buried underground at the side of the trail. On this road we will turn right (northward) and cross the “Irish Bridge” over Taninim River, which continues westward from here and whose waters penetrate the dunes of Pardes Hanna-Caesarea thanks to Mekorot’s Menashe River plant.
From here we can return to the Dalia–Galed highway (Route 672) in the following two ways (note that both roads become muddy after rainfall).
Concluding the Trip near Kibbutz Dalia - Approximately one kilometer north of Taninim River, the park trail splits into two branches. The branch on the right passes through cultivated fields and then reaches the highway.
Concluding the Trip near Kibbutz Ramat Menashe - Continue from the fork in the road for approximately one kilometer and then turn right at Maale Shalaf River. Water flows here all year round, as demonstrated by the presence of large willow trees on its banks. Before the ascent to the gate of Kibbutz Ramot Menashe, a spring known as Ein Mehollelim flows in the shade of high eucalyptus trees. The spring is named for the dancers who, in past years, hold an annual folk-dance festival at Kibbutz Dalia.