The new visitor center has been opened to the general public following a trial period. The center is the fruit of four years of hard work.
The result is a modern visitor center, wholly-dedicated to nature’s wonderful creation - trees, forests and the environment. The center includes the most modern, state-of-the-art technologies available, offering visitors a very unique experience. The center consists of two spaces:
- In the large space, visitors can freely move between four activity centers
- The smaller space is an auditorium with a display, and where group trivia quizzes are held.
Visitor Information and Opening Hours
- Sundays thru Thursdays between 9 am and 2 pm
- Entry to the visitor center for individuals and groups - upon advance booking
- The activity is suitable for children aged 7 and above
- The center can accommodate up to 50 persons
- The various activity stations operate in Hebrew, English and Arabic
- The video shown in the auditorium can be shown in Hebrew, English and Arabic
To book a visit for groups or individuals, send an application and complete details to the following email address:
For further information, call: 09-8974800
Activity areas in the visitor center
The Tree’s Secrets
At the center of the room is a stylized artificial tree, illuminated by special lighting. Around the tree are six tablet computers equipped with earphones. The activity begins with a brief video, which provides a general explanation about trees. The visitor can then direct the tablet toward the roots, the trunk, the canopy, the flowers or the fruit, each time showing a brief video explaining the structure and function of the tree’s various parts. The station is wheelchair accessible.
The Bicycle Station
In a different area within the space, visitors are invited for a bicycle ride, which includes a virtual reality experience. The visitor puts on a pair of VR goggles. The moment he turns the pedals, he will find himself riding along a single-track path in a KKL-JNF forest. From time to time the rider encounters one kind of animal or another. If he focuses on the animal, a brief video introducing the animal will pop up. This way the visitor learns that the forest is a complex ecosystem, in which each one of the inhabitants has its own space.
The bicycle station is also accessible. Handicapped persons can enjoy the same experience without moving their legs.

A virtual ride through the forest
The Globe Station
The Globe Station opens a window to the visitor on the various kinds of forest around the world. A large globe is positioned in front of a screen onto which video clips are projected. Each video represents one kind of forest. The further the video advances, the more clues it discloses about that kind of forest. When the visitor is certain he has the right answer, he presses a switch, which is located in that forest’s geographical region on the globe - African savannah, Siberian coniferous forests and so forth. The sooner the visitor presses the correct button, the higher the points he will be awarded. Guessing does no good - a wrong answer “earns” the visitor a penalty of a few seconds and only once these have expired can he return to the game.
The Forestry Station
בעמדה הזו המבקר מוזמן At this station the visitor is invited to help afforestation of the country. Of course this requires some thought, since each region, with its prevailing conditions, is suitable only for certain kinds of trees. The visitor, who finds himself dealing with issues of altitude and precipitation, finds out that forestry is a science in every sense of the word.
Man and the Forest Display
The display is inside the auditorium, which is in a separate space. We won’t go into too much detail about it so as not to give the readers any “spoilers”. Suffice it to say that it is about 13 minutes long. At the end of the display, the visitors are invited to take part in a group trivia pursuit with 50 questions to answer. Each groups points are a sum of the answers provided by all the group members.

The entrance to the display
Special group activities in the visitor center
The visitor center hosts active field days for groups at minimal cost:
- Summer camps (various ages)
- Kindergartens
- Elementary schools
- Students majoring in relevant subjects (biology, environment, tourism etc.)
- Professional courses: landscape technicians, gardening, tour guides etc.
- Groups of adults, workers' committees, senior citizens, families
The center offers a variety of programs adapted seasonally and to the group’s preferences.
For details: 09-8974800