Ben Shemen Forest Youth Overnight Camping Site

Groups of more than 30 people should book accommodation in advance; individuals do not need to book in advance.

The Youth Camping Site is located in the heart of the Ben Shemen Forest, one of the largest forests in Israel. The camping site accommodates groups and individuals.

On the site: Running water is available for groups for a fee but must be requested in advance.

Nearby sites: The camping site provides easy access to the Ben Shemen Forest sites, such as the Modi'in Scenic Lookout (Mitzpe Modi'in), the Pagoda, the Electricity Trail, Tell Hadid, the Maccabean Graves, and bike trails.

Location: The main entrance to the forest is accessible via Mitzpe Modi'in (Route 443). Advance about 800m along the paved road (green trail marker) until you reach a T-junction. The road turns right and then branches off right into a short pathway (brown trail marker) that leads to the camping site
Notes and restrictions: The camping site is reserved for youth movements during school breaks.

Group registration: Dror,