Accessible Trails and Bicycle Paths

The Accessible Hula

The Hula region is an area of great natural beauty, a focus of ornithological interest on an international level, and a potential tourist attraction that can play a pivotal role in revitalizing the entire north of Israel. A vital key to the success of the project is providing comfortable and interesting access and tour routes for visitors while protecting the flora and fauna of the area. KKL-JNF has a policy of creating new, and upgrading existing projects to make them accessible to people with disabilities of all kinds. The Hula Restoration Project development program includes specific guidelines for making the valley accessible to all.

A 2-kilometer trail was paved between two lookouts on the lake: Pelican Lookout and Crane Lookout. The lookouts and stops along the trail will be upgraded to suit the needs of people with disabilities.

KKL-JNF takes pride in its policy of developing recreation in nature for one and all. Thanks to our work people with disabilities can enjoy the wonders of nature with all their senses. With contribution of friends worldwide, the Accessible Trail project will help create an enjoyable experience for those visiting the Hula Restoration Project and expand the number of accessible projects in the valley.
Photo: Dror Artzi, KKL-JNF Jerusalem

Bicycle Paths- Cycling Round the Lake

The Hula Valley is one of the most beautiful and popular tourism areas in Israel and is particularly suitable for family cycling tours, since it is completely flat. As to minimize disturbance to wildlife by preventing motor vehicles from entering the area, as well as encourage the development of cycling, visitors to the Park will be able to hire bikes at the Visitors Center and use them to cross the area of Lake Agmon.

Cycling is a flagship activity in KKL-JNF's actions to revitalize the area – it is cheap and convenient, does not cause pollution, promotes physical fitness and encourages visitors to stop frequently to enjoy the view, watch birds and other wildlife or enjoy a family picnic in a wonderfully peaceful setting. Several kilometers of paths for walking, horse-riding and cycling have already been constructed. Electric carts are also available for use along the path, and will be particularly appreciated by the elderly, visitors with physical disabilities and those with small children.

In the future, the total length of these paths will reach 140 kilometers. The most popular cycling path is a round-lake path with a length of nearly eleven kilometers and a width of 2.4 meters. The path includes several small bridges passing over water channels. Unlike any other place, on these trails cyclists will have a fantastic opportunity to reach lesser-known parts of the country, to spot birds and other wildlife and in short to enjoy an unforgettable experience in nature. With the help of our friends worldwide, this project will enhance the bond between people, nature and KKL-JNF.
Photo: KKL-JNF Photo Archive