Making the Ringing Station at the KKL-JNF Hula Lake Accessibl


  • Area-

  • Municipality-

    Upper Galilee Regional Council
  • Schedule-

  • Accessibility-

    The site is accessible

The KKL-JNF Hula Lake contains a ringing station operated by a birdwatcher and a ringer, working for KKl-JNF Wings. The station is located on an island, and a raft brings visitors to the site. In the course of the past year, the station was made accessible for people with disabilities – accessible trails were paved, and a special bench for wheelchairs was installed at the center of the guidance yard.

Beyond the physical accessibility, some guidance contents were also made accessible for the visually impaired – three-dimensional models of the maps of the bird migration were made, along with life-size bird models, created through three-dimensional scanning of staffed animals and three-dimensional printing.