KKL-JNF Sitting Corners in Hospital Yards


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    Some of the sitting coreners are accessible

To meet the challenges that arose from the COVID outbreak, the danger of getting infected in closed spaces and the need to keep social distance, KKL-JNF has decided to build designed and shaded sitting corners in 24 Israeli hospitals with active COVID treatment departments. The sitting corners allow patients and hospital staff to meet and rest in the open air while maintaining COVID-related health regulations.

Out of the 24 sitting corners, 11 were built in hospitals at the central region.
The sitting corners contain benches that allow physical distance according to regulations, planted trees and flowers, and shading.

Sitting Corner at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. Photograph: Sharon Kaplan, KKL-JNF
Sitting Corner at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. Photograph: Sharon Kaplan, KKL-JNF
Sitting Corners Were Built in the Following Hospitals:
  1. Hadassah Mount Scopus
  2. Hadassah Ein Kerem
  3. Hillel Yaffe – Hadera
  4. Wolfson – Holon
  5. Ichilov – Tel Aviv
  6. Assaf Harofeh – Be'er Yaakov
  7. Laniado – Haifa
  8. Mayanei HaYeshua – Bnei Brak
  9. Sheba – Ramat Gan
  10. Meir – Kfar Saba
  11. Shaare Zedek - Jerusalem