Accompanied by their wives, by their respective foreign ministers and by a modest entourage, and with police patrol cars in attendance, the two presidents emerged from their black official limousines to observe the honored tradition of planting a tree in the Grove of Nations on the summit of Jerusalem’s Mount Herzl, overlooking Yad VaShem, and below, the neighborhood of Ein Karem.
After the presidents of Nauru and Micronesia had successively unveiled the plaques bearing their names, their national flags and the date of their visit, the party assembled in the marquee. Deputy Chairman Leibovic’s welcomed them: “Our countries share the insights, achievements and concerns that fall to the lot of all small nations. Both your countries have long supported the State of Israel. We shall never forget this, and we shall forever be grateful for the loyalty of such friends,” he said.
Menahem Leibovic enumerated the long series of heads of state and prime ministers who had planted olive trees in the soil of Jerusalem, and added: “After the world was created, God planted a Garden in Eden, which contained trees pleasant to the sight and good for food. Next week hundreds of thousands of Israeli children will go out to plant trees as they celebrate Tu BiShvat, the New Year of the Trees. They will create new green worlds with their own hands. Your presence in Israel at this time, on the eve of Tu BiShvat, adds a ceremonial aspect to our celebrations, and gives us great pleasure. On your next visit to Israel you are invited to come back to visit your trees, which I believe will flourish with the same vigor as our mutual respect, friendship and cooperation.”