Prime Minister Kosor was greeted by Ms. Barbara Goldstein, a member of KKL-JNF's Board of Directors: "On behalf of KKL-JNF, I greet you in the name of Israel and the Jewish people. You come from a very green country, while we live on the edge of the desert. To help make our country greener, KKL-JNF has planted over 240,000,000 trees in Israel since its inception.
"When you plant a tree, you are doing it for this generation and for generations to come. Just as the seedling you are setting in the ground will grow, we hope to see the relations between our two countries develop."
Prime Minister Kosor responded by thanking KKL-JNF for this opportunity: "It is very special to plant a tree, because it is an act on behalf of the future. I plant it with great joy, because it is symbolic of the growing relations between Israel and Croatia. We will remember this day, and we invite you to visit us in Croatia. Until we meet again, may this tree and all the trees grow, and may this tree be a sign of the friendly ties between our two countries."
Ms. Goldstein read the Planters Prayer and presented the Prime Minister with a certificate commemorating the event.