The following are the main issues within the responsibility of the Planning Division:
- Representing KKL-JNF and maintaining the organization’s links with numerous external bodies such as the Israeli Interior Ministry’s Planning Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry for Environmental Protection.
- Representing KKL-JNF on statutory committees such as the Planning and Construction Committee, steering committees, National Zoning Plan committees, UNESCO, Quarry Rehabilitation Fund meetings, etc.

KKL-JNF Planners in the forest. Photo: Dov Gelbart
Long-term strategic planning: the preparation of organizational and issue-related policy papers on topics such as information centers, the use of bicycles in forests, woodland bridle paths, etc., together with policy papers on National Zoning Plan 22 in Hebrew and English.
Master planning, e.g., a policy paper of
limans in the Negev.
Monitoring and ongoing management of the national zoning plan for forests and
afforestation (National Zoning Plan 22). Monitoring changes to zoning plans and initiating their preparation.
Initiating detailed zoning plans for forests and acting as professional consultants in this regard.
Providing assessments and opinions of plans that impinge upon forestry assets.

Migdal Haemek Community Forest. Photo: KKL-JNF Photo Archive
Statutory planning consultation for planting projects.
Consultation for legislation affecting forests and open spaces, such as the planning reform (changes to planning and construction law, forest law, grazing laws).
Professional consultancy on individual projects, such as the visitors’ center at
Lake Hula.
Initiating research on planning issues such as the characteristics of cyclists or whether or not statutory protection of forests meets international standards.
Initiating and participating in planning on the national level: metropolitan parks, evaluation of the threat to the sandstone ridges.
Internal courses on planning issues and initiating professional extension courses for planning departments in the various regions. Initiating and distributing material to universities, posting planning-related material on the KKL-JNF website.