Preparing the sapling for planting:
A sapling is generally born in a nursery, whether it is that of KKL-JNF or any other. It has been cared for since the day it sprouted. It is sensitive and tender, like a baby. It is important to make sure that the clod of earth surrounding the roots of the sapling does not crumble, and that it retains its moisture so the roots are not exposed to sun or wind.
Planting it:
Make sure the pit is wide enough and deep enough to contain the entire clod of earth surrounding the roots. If necessary, widen or deepen the pit, and make sure there are no rocks in it. Now, place the sapling in the center of the pit, straighten it out, and fill the space around the sapling with earth up to the neck of the root.
Securing it:
Pack the earth around the sapling using both hands, in order to strengthen its hold in the ground and prevent its displacement from the pit.
Planting has been completed! Congratulations! You have planted a young sapling that will grow and develop into a beautiful green tree, if it is treated right…