Plant Nurseries and Shmita

Eshtaol Nursery, all set up for Shmita. Photo: Yoav Devir
Eshtaol Nursery, all set up for Shmita. Photo: Yoav Devir
During the Shmita year, nursery work will continue as usual, provided Halakha requirements are observed.
The seeds arrive at the nurseries from the KKL-JNF seed center in Beit Nehemia. Seeding is carried out in enclosed areas, and after germination - a process that takes about three weeks to a month - the sprouts are moved in special carts, closed at the bottom and top, and open at the sides with its floor at a height of at least ten handbreadths from the ground (about 90 cm). The sprouts are transferred to a greenhouse with a detached substrate that does not touch the ground. In this state, it is also permissible to fertilize and water at a dose sufficient to ensure the sprouts' survival. In fact, most of the methods used in nurseries during the six years leading up to the Shmita are also suitable during the Shmita year. When there are special requirements from the Rabbinate, KKL-JNF adapts itself by finding creative and innovative solutions.

During 5782, KKL-JNF will place special emphasis on education and the nurseries will be part of this project. Educational activity will address the ecological and agricultural dimensions of the Shmita year and its importance to humans and nature. Experiential activities will bring youth closer to respect environment and land values, and will focus on environmental issues related to the Shmita year, such as the conservation of our natural resources, along with consideration for people and their needs. The many events planned for the Shmita year will include special events at all three KKL-JNF nurseries.
The three KKL-JNF nurseries, located in the north, center and south, provide the most appropriate trees and plants for each region. The nurseries supply trees and plants not only to parks and forests, but also to urban spaces such as public gardens, schools, cityscapes, IDF bases, and more. The nurseries maintain close contact with the Ministry of Agriculture, municipalities, regional councils and many other public bodies, to plan for the future and meet various needs.

Learn more about KKL-JNF's tree and plant nurseries