In Israel, every boy and girl, upon reaching the age of 18, is drafted into the army for a 2 - 3 year period of compulsory military service. In most cases, they serve far from home and often do not see their families for extended periods of time.
KKL-JNF mobilizes its Friends throughout the world to help provide optimal conditions for Israel’s soldiers. We landscape IDF camps, provide them with exercise facilities and construct pleasant shady corners where parents can meet and sit quietly with their sons and daughters who are serving in the army.
KKL-JNF incorporates the IDF in its educational activities, such as planting ceremonies and International Cleanup Day – a worldwide event organized in Israel by KKL-JNF and joined by 40 million people all over the world.
KKL-JNF dedicates woodlands and other sites to military units and to the memory of fallen soldiers. Major memorials have been erected in memory of fallen members of moshavim (in Azrikam Forest) and kibbutzim (in HaZorea Forest). In Yaar HaMeginim (“Defenders’ Forest”) we have preserved numerous memorials to those who died in Israel’s wars. In Haruvit Forest, an entire park equipped with disability-accessible paths and recreation areas has been dedicated to disabled IDF veterans: Park HaLohem (Disabled Veterans’ Park).
KKL-JNF has played a role in the green development of the new IDF training-base city that is currently being established in the Negev. This activity accords well with KKL-JNF’s objective of changing the community map of the Negev, where it is involved in a number of turning-point projects designed to attract a young quality population to the area.