Making the Forests and Parks Accessible

What is being done by KKL-JNF to make sites accessible for people with special needs?

The work being done by KKL-JNF to make sites accessible for people with special needs includes:

  • Marking recreation areas suitable for those who are limited in mobility and improving the access roads to them.
  • Avoiding the building of stairs, making roads with moderate slopes (up to 8%) and installing handrails for stairs and ramps.
  • Making hard ground surfaces to enable mobility for people who move in wheelchairs or carriages.
  • Installing low picnic tables and grill stands close to parking areas. In most picnic areas (that are topographically suitable), about 10% of the picnic tables and grill stands are suitable for those who move in wheelchairs.
  • Installing curbstones to prevent wheelchairs from swerving and to enable safe mobility for people whose vision is limited.
  • Creating signs, audio stands and aromatic plants, in order to enhance the nature experience for people whose vision is impaired.
  • Using induction coils for people whose hearing is impaired (a type of wireless loudspeaker achieved by magnetically transmitting sound to hearing aids and cochlear implants with telecoils).
  • Developing hiking trails of different lengths and scenic lookouts suitable for people in wheelchairs.
  • Installing playground equipment and sports facilities that are suitable for people with disabilities.
  • Installing restroom facilities designed for people in wheelchairs.
Low picnic table with space for a wheelchair at Halochem Park in Haruvit. Photo: Yoav Devir
Low picnic table with space for a wheelchair at Halochem Park in Haruvit. Photo: Yoav Devir