No diposable plastics in KKL-JNF forests

Let’s keep disposable plastics out of Israel’s forests!

Dear visitors to KKL-JNF forests, parks and sites: Please refrain from using disposable plastic utensils and bringing them into our forests. Instead, help protect Israel’s environmental surroundings and wildlife!

Disposable dishes, cutlery, and various packaging and containers made from plastic do not naturally decompose. Rather, they accumulate in forests, nature reserves and oceans, creating environmental pollution sticks around for thousands of years.

The disposable utensils left behind by visitors to KKL-JNF’s forests and parks not only pollute but also injure and even kill local animals.

What are we asking of you, our visitors?

To refrain from coming to our forests and parks with disposable plastic utensils, which are often left behind and blown around by the wind, polluting the surroundings and injuring local fauna.

In places where there are no sinks and dishwashing facilities: to take your reusable dishes and containers back home for washing after the visit.

To throw all garbage only into the garbage bins provided at the picnic sites, or, if the bins are full, to take your garbage with you when you leave.
Trash can in KKL-JNF's Sapir Park in the Arava. Photo: Moshe Pinto, KKL-JNF Photo Archive
Trash can in KKL-JNF's Sapir Park in the Arava. Photo: Moshe Pinto, KKL-JNF Photo Archive

Why shouldn’t we use disposable plastic utensils?

In contrast to materials like paper, cardboard and cloth that decompose within a few months or years, the plastic used in disposable utensils does not decompose naturally, but rather accumulates in garbage piles that create environmental pollution for thousands of years!

When disposable utensils are not thrown into garbage bins and are left in nature, they pollute the site and can also injure or even kill local animals.

The danger to animals

Food-encrusted disposable plastic utensils abandoned in nature attract forest animals (rodents, porcupines, foxes, wild boars, various birds, and more). The plastics find their way to their digestive system, cause injury and in extreme cases even death.

In addition, the wind blows plastic far beyond the reaches of the forest, which harms migrating birds, and if it reaches the ocean, also harms marine life.
Pelican flies over KKL-JNF's Emek Hefer Reservoir. Birds can ingest plastics that make their way into Israel's water bodies. Photo: Guy Assayag, KKL-JNF Photo Archive
Pelican flies over KKL-JNF's Emek Hefer Reservoir. Birds can ingest plastics that make their way into Israel's water bodies. Photo: Guy Assayag, KKL-JNF Photo Archive

The danger to the environment

Toxic substances found in disposable plastic utensils are absorbed into the ground and have many negative health-related effects.

In the course of their very slow decomposition process, plastic utensils expel micro-plastics and volatile organic matter that float in the air and can enter the human respiratory system.

Plastic utensils that are buried in garbage dumps release micro-plastics and volatile organic matter, which make their way down to the ground water (that is often a source of drinking water) and pollute it.

Preventing global warming

Plastic is a by-product of the petroleum industry, which is a major source of pollution and a prime cause of global warming. The main product of the petroleum industry is fuel for cars and manufacturing. Plastic utensils are produced from residual material of petroleum that undergoes a process of solidification.

Burning fuel in cars and industry is the main cause of the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere and also of global warming. For this reason, refraining from the use of disposable utensils contributes towards lessening petroleum production and thereby decreasing the global warming that threatens the future of our planet.

Piles of garbage in Yatir Forest. Photo: KKL-JNF foresters
Piles of garbage in Yatir Forest. Photo: KKL-JNF foresters
KKL-JNF thanks you for your cooperation in ridding the forests of plastics, and wishes all visitors to their sites a pleasant stay!