In 1960, approximately 85% of all trees planted by KKL-JNF were coniferous (pine) species and only about 3% of them were in natural woodlands.
By 2008, some 70% of all plantings were of native and broad-leaved species, with pine trees making up the remaining 30%.
In recent years, 55% to 65% of all saplings planted in forests have native and broad-leaved tree species; the rest are coniferous species, more than half of which are mediterranean pines that are planted primarily in picnic and recreation areas and other sites designated for public use.
Forest area distribution figures, according to species:
- 44% coniferous and mixed-species
- 26% planted broad-leaved, woodland, orchards, bustans, and native trees
- 11% acacia, tamarisk, eucalyptus
- 19% areas with a predominance of woodland, garrigue, and scrubland