The Pisgat Ze'ev-Neve Ya'akov Forest will become a Community Forest

Last week, an agreement signed between the Jerusalem Municipality and KKL-JNF will turn the Mir forest, located near the Pisgat Ze'ev and Neve Ya'akov Neighborhoods, into a community forest.
The signing was attended by representatives of KKL-JNF, the Jerusalem Municipality, the community management in Pisgat Ze'ev and Neve Ya'akov, and community members who are active in the forest. The goal of the community forest is to create collaboration between all the partners in maintaining and nurturing the forest against the widening construction projects in the area, and maintain community life in it.
The forest joins KKL-JNF's national program and which turns it into a community forest. KKL-JNF manages 24 community forests throughout Israel.
The forest, which will be renamed the Pisgat Ze'ev-Neve Ya'akov Community Forest, spreads across about 250 acres, a green strip that borders both neighborhoods. It was planted by KKL-JNF in 1982. It is located between the two neighborhoods of the stream, which flows toward Jericho and the Jordan River, and serves the neighborhoods' residents. 
The forest contains archeological and historical sites, among them wine presses, lime furnaces, burial caves, ancient agricultural steps, a commemoration site for the paratroopers who fought in the British Army and operated in Europe during World War II, a wide variety of trees (many different types of Eucalyptuses), as well as wildflowers animals, including a large deer population. 
Naomi Aviv Rosen, Public Coordinator at KKL-JNF's Central Region: "I am proud of the collaboration with the Jerusalem Municipality, leading to the signing of the agreement and to another community forest which contributes to the connection between the forest and the community and green environment. At KKL-JNF, we see great importance in preserving the forests and connecting them with the public. The Mir forest has its own active community, and with its addition to the Community Forest Authority, we believe that this activity will grow and bring more residents from the community to enjoy the forest."
The Jerusalem Municipality added that, "The establishment of the Pisgat Ze'ev-Neve Ya'akov Community Forest is important news for the residents of the nearby neighborhoods. The forest is a major natural asset and a wonderful location for travel, community activities and connecting with nature. The Jerusalem Municipality will keep working to preserve the city's green area for the benefit of residents and visitors."