Planting Hope: United for the Residents of the Gaza Envelope

This morning (Thursday), Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) held a special event symbolizing hope and renewal. The event featured a distinguished panel of regional council heads and mayors from the Gaza Envelope , aimed at presenting a vision of revival and rebuilding. The event followed the launch of the KKL-JNF Solidarity Delegation earlier this week, which brought together some 300 partners from around the world who came to Israel to show support for the victims of this past year's tragedies and their families.

The catastrophic events of October 7th were a devastating blow to the State of Israel. In response, KKL-JNF immediately mobilized to support recovery efforts, leading numerous initiatives to strengthen, rebuild, and instill hope among Israel’s citizens, while reinforcing their connection to the land. KKL-JNF has committed hundreds of millions of shekels to rebuilding communities impacted by the destruction and providing temporary housing for displaced residents. Additionally, tens of millions of shekels have been allocated to firefighting forces, for both immediate and long-term needs, and to support security forces and residents. Significant funds and efforts are also being directed toward the restoration of KKL-JNF forests damaged by terrorist attacks during the war.
As part of these efforts, KKL-JNF held today’s event in Ruhama, in the Gaza border area, where a new neighborhood for evacuees from Kibbutz Kfar Aza is under construction, along with other projects aimed at rehabilitating the region. KKL-JNF has invested a total of NIS 300 million in these initiatives. The event, titled “Seeds of Hope,” included an exhibition of “Hopeful Initiatives,” screenings of films promoting unity and resilience, performances by Israeli artists from the Gaza envelope, and a special panel of regional council heads and mayors, who shared their vision for the future of the area’s residents.
During the event, certificates of inscription in KKL-JNF’s prestigious Golden Book were presented in memory of Ofir Libstein, a former KKL-JNF board member and head of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council,  Ofir was killed during fighting with Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7. and to Hanoch Daum for his contribution to promoting businesses operated by IDF reserve soldiers. The event also featured performances by singers Anna Timofei and Liron Lev, along with a local choir from the Gaza Envelope. As part of KKL-JNF’s ongoing support for the southern region, all suppliers involved in the event were local residents and IDF reservists.
Key speakers included KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia Luski, as well as mayors and regional council heads from the Gaza Envelope. For years, KKL-JNF has been a symbol of the Jewish people’s resilience in the Land of Israel, leading numerous initiatives that strengthen the connection to the land, particularly over the past year.
In her remarks, KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia Luski stated: “We chose to conclude KKL-JNF’s Solidarity Week with our delegations, brought to Israel, right here in Kibbutz Ruhama, in the new neighborhood that KKL-JNF established for the residents of Kibbutz Kfar Aza. This is the Zionist vision brought to life. KKL-JNF rose to the challenge, mobilizing partners from our global offices to contribute to these vital Zionist projects, focusing on the recovery of local communities and the renewal of this remarkable region. This moment reflects an extraordinary unity, as the Jewish people from across the world come together to build and strengthen the State of Israel in what has been a challenging year.”
Additional quotes from mayors and council heads are available upon request.
The Seeds of Hope event marks the conclusion of a week-long visit by a Solidarity Delegation of representatives from 33 countries. The delegation included presidents, CEOs, and board members from KKL-JNF offices worldwide, who, over the past year,have contributed significantly to supporting displaced Israeli populations, local authorities, and the rehabilitation of communities impacted by the war, as well as the restoration of forests damaged by enemy fire. The week’s activities included tours and meetings, beginning with a Solidarity Event at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, which offered a unique opportunity to witness the strength of the KKL-JNF global community, express solidarity, and support the victims and their families.