KKL-JNF is coming to the aid of the residents of the South and North: an emergency aid package totaling NIS 225 million

While the "Swords of Iron" War continues to strike the North and South of Israel, the residents of these regions are dealing with unprecedented challenges and dangers. There is a great concern that many residents, who were evacuated from their homes, will not return to settle the regions in which they had resided. This may lead to the loss of the lengthy settlement enterprise in the North and South, an enterprise in which KKL-JNF has invested many resources and developments.

In light of this, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund has decided to allocate an additional aid package totaling NIS 225 million to the local authorities in the North and South, this in light of the concern over the uncertainty pertaining to government aid to these authorities and the ongoing campaign in the northern and southern border.

According to the proposed outline, NIS 160 million shall be allocated to the support of southern localities: Ofakim, Sderot, Merhavim Regional Council, Netivot, Hof Ashkelon, Ashkelon, Eshkol, Shaar HaNegev and Sdot Negev. In addition, about NIS 65,000,000 shall be allocated to the support of northern localities: Hurfeish, Beit Jan, Kasra Samia, Peki'in, Yesud HaMa'ala, Nahariya, Ma'alot Tarshiha, the Golan Heights, Merom HaGalil, Metula, Mevo'ot HaHermon, Mate Asher Upper Galilee, Ma'ale Yosef, Kiryat Shmona and Shlomi.

As part of the aid package, the support shall be distributed on the basis of a distribution key that includes parameters such as: the number of residents, distance from the border, socioeconomic level and the percentage of evacuated residents. The reconstruction policy focuses upon those areas in which KKL-JNF possesses the knowledge, experience and ability to perform so as to assist in the reconstruction of the localities in an optimal manner, in areas such as: preparing the land – residentially / agriculturally, security and agricultural routes, development of public buildings and open public areas, encouraging and strengthening the settlement enterprise, conducting educational activities, development of the land and infrastructure, forestation, essential needs for the settlement enterprise and strengthening the residents who have been hurt and many additional areas.

In addition to the aid package, KKL-JNF shall support the upgrading of the reservoir in Evron and completing its development to the tune of up to NIS 30 million. The Evron Reservoir has even greater value since it is intended to divert water from the Ga'aton River so that on the one hand, the risk of flooding is significantly reduced for the residents of Nahariya, which has previously sustained serious damage from the flooding of the river, and serves agricultural and the farmers' needs in the Regional Councils of Ma'ale Yosef and Mata Asher, on the other hand.

KKL-JNF Chairwoman, Ms. Ifat Ovadia-Luski: "During this difficult time, KKL-JNF stands alongside the residents of the North and South and is committed to ensure the continued existence and prosperity of the localities in the conflict zone. We will not allow the magnificent settlement enterprise to be impaired. The aid that we provide to the authorities is part of our efforts to restore essential infrastructure, strengthen the local agriculture, and ensure the resilience of the communities in these regions. We act out of a sense of national responsibility and a commitment to the continuity of the settlement enterprise, the nutrition security of Israeli citizens and the agricultural work."