Israel's leading green organization was founded in 1901 during the Fifth Zionist Congress that convened in Basel, Switzerland. With the establishment of the state of Israel, the date Tevet 19, according to the Jewish Calendar, became a national holiday, as well as a milestone in the history of Zionism. KKL-JNF has been operating for the realization of the Zionist vision for over 120 years, together with leading environmental and educational issues in diverse fields.

Photograph: KKL-JNF Photo Archive
Since the dawn of Zionist history, KKL-JNF has been connecting Jewish people across the world to the land of Israel, along with a deep, true connection to nature. The organization deals, among other things, with afforestation and the environment, Israeli youth, education and Zionist values, treatment of water reservoirs, forest restoration and more. Over the years, KKL-JNF has been nurturing the well-being of Israel's citizens and visitors in shades of green, blue and brown.

Photograph: KKL-JNF Photo Archive
Throughout its existence, KKL-JNF has accompanied the establishment of the state of Israel, from the days of the declaration of independence in 1948, through its development, in creating physical and moral paths, while connecting them with the Jewish people and the citizens of Israel - to this day.
Along with diverse activities in Israeli forests, KKL-JNF also operates in the fields of research and development and maintains extraordinary relations with various countries in the world, for the purpose of combating the climate crisis together, developing advanced agriculture and desert tourism.

Photograph: KKL-JNF Photo Archive
Among the icons leading KKL-JNF since its very first days, you can find the Blue Box which was and still is a symbol of brotherhood, collectivity and a strong desire to develop the Land of Israel, and later in history, the State of Israel.

Photograph: KKL-JNF Photo Archive
*Yifat Ovadia-Luski, KKL-JNF Chairwoman:"The day in which KKL-JNF was born is a holiday for the State of Israel. The decision to establish KKL-JNF during the World Zionist Congress in Basel has historical significance for the Zionist movement. KKL-JNF formed the base and the conceptual and organizational infrastructure on which our national home was built. The fund prepared the ground for the realization of Herzl's dream of a Jewish state, and has a central role in shaping the existence of the State of Israel, even today. We will continue to fulfill the vision of the Zionist movement by aliyah absorption, protecting our land and making the desert bloom."