Adamit Park Recreation Areas

Adamit Park near Shlomi in the Western Galilee (on Route 899) is a gem of nature with fruit trees and a view from Rosh HaNikra to the Carmel Ridge. You can walk among growing herbs and shady trees while enjoying a breeze coming from the sea. The park has picnic sites with wheelchair-accessible tables, barbecue stands, drinking water, benches, scenic roads for cars, hiking trails, scenic lookouts and a restroom (open from 9:00 to 17:00). A disabled-accessible, paved path leads to the Arch Cave (Me’arat HaKeshet).
Henion-Nof – The main recreation area in Adamit Park has wheelchair-accessible tables and restrooms as well as drinking water. A disabled-accessible path leads from the recreation area to the Arch Cave, which is famous for its beauty. From the path there is a spectacular view of the Sulam Ridge and the Western Galilee coastal plain.
HaOranim and Tsadal recreation areas – two recreation areas in Adamit Park, in the section north of Route 8992. The sites are located next to a short, loop trail that leads to the Eitan Levav Scenic Lookout. Picnic tables are set up in the recreation areas. There is a wheelchair-accessible table in the site closest to the Eitan Levav Scenic Lookout.
Directions: Drive on the sharply winding road leading to Kibbutz Adamit (Route 8993). The entrance to Adamit Park is at the top of the hill, about 4 km from the junction, just before the entrance to Kibbutz Adamit.
Adamit Park Recreation Areas. Photograph: Yakov Shkolnik, KKL-JNF Photo Archive