Festival HaMaayanot - Walking Betwen the Streams

SEP / OCT: The Maayanot Festival in the Emek HaMaayanot Regional Council near Beit Shean

The Maayanot (Springs) Festival is held every Hol HaMoed Sukkot in the Emek HaMaayanot Regional Council near Beit Shean, showcasing the region's beautiful springs and streams (rehabilitated by KKL-JNF, with the help of its Friends in Canada), as well as a wealth of hiking and walking trails. The festival will feature musical performances and events in nature as well as organized walks and bike rides, led by KKL-JNF.

Watch this page for information on KKL-JNF events at the Maayanot Festival!

You can also check the Emek Maayanot (Maayanot Valley) Regional Council website (Hebrew)

For more information, contact Maayanot Park - 04-688-1427