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KKL-JNF News & Updates

  • South African Siyabonga Garden Inaugurated in Tel Mond to Commemorate Anti-Apartheid Activists

    Sunday, September 29, 2024 2:30 PM

    The "South African Honor Garden," dedicated to honoring the activists against the apartheid regime and who made a contribution to Israeli society, was inaugurated in Park Hayearot Tel Mond on Wednesday (25.9)

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  • Planting Hope: United for the Residents of the Gaza Envelope

    Thursday, September 26, 2024 2:45 PM

    This morning (Thursday), Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) held a special event symbolizing hope and renewal. The event featured a distinguished panel of regional council heads and mayors from the Gaza Envelope , aimed at presenting a vision of revival and rebuilding. The event followed the launch of the KKL-JNF Solidarity Delegation earlier this week, which brought together some 300 partners from around the world who came to Israel to show support for the victims of this past year's tragedies and their families.

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  • Relocation of the Kfar Aza residences to Ruhama: KKL-JNF shall deliver in the coming days keys for evacuated families; five houses shall await the hostages, the residents of the kibbutz who are still in captivity

    Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:15 PM

    Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund has completed the construction of a neighborhood in record time, a mere four months, and the residents of Kfar Aza who were hit during the events of October 7 are beginning to relocate to the new residence. Five of the 120 homes built are intended for the hostages, members of the kibbutz who are still being held in Hamas captivity, in the hope of their return home.

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Our Projects

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    אופס שגיאה :( נסה מאוחר יותר או ערכים אחרים לחיפוש
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    אופס שגיאה :( נסה מאוחר יותר או ערכים אחרים לחיפוש


    KKL-JNF for the Community

    • KKL-JNF Community Forests

      Until recently, forests were widely exploited for new construction or treated as garbage dumps. KKL-JNF now works together with communities to turn neglected areas into green local jewels, encouraging country-wide forest care as part of its efforts to conserve ecological and environmental assets.
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    • KKL-JNF Accessible Forests and Parks

      KKL-JNF is working on making its forests and parks accessible for the physically challenged because everyone has a right to enjoy nature.
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    • Donations

      KKL-JNF meets the State of Israel’s changing needs. With contributions from friends like you all over the world, we create a better Israel through forestry projects, combating desertification, community development, water management, fighting the climate crisis, and many more.

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